Country |
City |
Diplomatic Mission |
Twitter |
Afghanistan |
Kabul |
Embassy of India in Kabul Afghanistan |
IndianEmbKabul |
Afghanistan |
Herat |
Consulate General of India in Herat Afghanistan |
IndianConsHerat |
Afghanistan |
Jalalabad |
Consulate General of India in Jalalabad Afghanistan |
IndianConsJalal |
Afghanistan |
Khandahar |
Consulate General of India in Khandahar Afghanistan |
IndKandahar |
Afghanistan |
Mazar-e-Sharif |
Consulate General of India in Mazar-e-Sharif Afghanistan |
IndianConsMazar |
Algeria |
Algiers |
Embassy of India in Algiers Algeria |
indiainalgeria |
Angola |
Luanda |
Embassy of India in Luanda Angola |
IndiainAngola |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Embassy of India in Buenos Aires Argentina |
Indembarg |
Armenia |
Yerevan |
Embassy of India in Yerevan Armenia |
IndiainArmenia |
Australia |
Canberra |
High Commission of India in Canberra Australia |
HCICanberra |
Australia |
Melbourne |
Consulate General of India in Melbourne Australia |
cgimelbourne |
Australia |
Sydney |
Consulate General of India in Sydney Australia |
cgisydney |
Australia |
Perth |
Consulate General of India in Perth Australia |
CGIPerth |
Austria |
Vienna |
Embassy of India in Vienna Austria |
IndiainAustria |
Azerbaijan |
Baku |
Embassy of India in Baku Azerbaijan |
indembassybaku |
Bahrain |
Manama |
Embassy of India in Manama Bahrain |
IndiaInBahrain |
Bangladesh |
Dhaka |
High Commission of India in Dhaka Bangladesh |
ihcdhaka |
Bangladesh |
Chittagong |
Assistant High Commission of India in Chittagong Bangladesh |
ahcichittagong |
Bangladesh |
Rajshahi |
Assistant High Commission of India in Rajshahi Bangladesh |
IRajshahi |
Bangladesh |
Khulna |
Assistant High Commission of India in Khulna Bangladesh |
ahcikhulna |
Belarus |
Minsk |
Embassy of India in Minsk Belarus |
amb_in |
Belgium |
Brussels |
Embassy of India in Brussels Belgium |
IndEmbassyBru |
Bhutan |
Thimphu |
Embassy of India in Thimphu Bhutan |
Indiainbhutan |
Bhutan |
Phuntsholing |
Consulate General of India in Phuntsholing Bhutan |
IndiainBhutanCG |
Botswana |
Gaborone |
High Commission of India in Gaborone Botswana |
HCIGaborone |
Brazil |
Brasilia |
Embassy of India in Brasilia Brazil |
indiainbrazil |
Brazil |
Sao Paulo |
Consulate General of India in Sao Paulo Brazil |
cgisaopaulo |
Brunei |
Bandar Seri Begawan |
High Commission of India in Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei |
hicomindBrunei |
Bulgaria |
Sofia |
Embassy of India in Sofia Bulgaria |
IndiaInBulgaria |
Cambodia |
Phnom Penh |
Embassy of India in Phnom Penh Cambodia |
indembcam |
Canada |
Ottawa |
High Commission of India in Ottawa Canada |
HCI_Ottawa |
Canada |
Toronto |
Consulate General of India in Toronto Canada |
IndiainToronto |
Canada |
Vancouver |
Consulate General of India in Vancouver Canada |
cgivancouver |
Chile |
Santiago |
Embassy of India in Santiago Chile |
Indiainchile |
China |
Beijing |
Embassy of India in Beijing China |
EOIBeijing |
China |
Guangzhou |
Consulate General of India in Guangzhou China |
cgiguangzhou |
China |
Hong Kong |
Consulate General of India in Hong Kong China |
CGIHongKong |
China |
Shanghai |
Consulate General of India in Shanghai China |
China |
Chengdu |
Consulate General of India in Chengdu China |
Colombia |
Bogota |
Embassy of India in Bogota Colombia |
IndiaEmbBogota |
Croatia |
Zagreb |
Embassy of India in Zagreb Croatia |
India_Croatia |
Cuba |
Havana |
Embassy of India in Havana Cuba |
EOIHavana |
Cyprus |
Nicosia |
High Commission of India in Nicosia Cyprus |
HCI_Nicosia |
Czech Republic |
Prague |
Embassy of India in Prague Czech Republic |
IndiaCzech |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Kinshasa |
Embassy of India in Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo |
IndiainDRC |
Denmark |
Copenhagen |
Embassy of India in Copenhagen Denmark |
IndiainDenmark |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Embassy of India in Cairo Egypt |
indembcairo |
Eswatini |
Mbabane |
Embassy of India in Mbabane Eswatini |
EswatiniIn |
Ethiopia |
Addis Ababa |
Embassy of India in Addis Ababa Ethiopia |
IndiaInEthiopia |
Fiji |
Suva |
High Commission of India in Suva Fiji |
HCI_Suva |
Finland |
Helsinki |
Embassy of India in Helsinki Finland |
IndEmbFinEst |
France |
Paris |
Embassy of India in Paris France |
Indian_Embassy |
Reunion |
Saint Denis |
Consulate General of India in Saint Denis Reunion |
consulat_l |
France |
UNESCO Paris |
Permanent Missionof India to UNESCO Paris France |
IndiaatUNESCO |
Germany |
Berlin |
Embassy of India in Berlin Germany |
eoiberlin |
Germany |
Frankfurt |
Consulate General of India in Frankfurt Germany |
CGIFrankfurt |
Germany |
Hamburg |
Consulate General of India in Hamburg Germany |
IndiainHamburg |
Germany |
Munich |
Consulate General of India in Munich Germany |
cgmunich |
Ghana |
Accra |
High Commission of India in Accra Ghana |
HCI_Accra |
Greece |
Athens |
Embassy of India in Athens Greece |
EmbIndiaAthens |
Guatemala |
Guatemala City |
Embassy of India in Guatemala City Guatemala |
IndiaInGuate |
Guyana |
Georgetown |
High Commission of India in Georgetown Guyana |
IndiainGuyana |
Hungary |
Budapest |
Embassy of India in Budapest Hungary |
IndiaInHungary |
Iceland |
Reykjavik |
Embassy of India in Reykjavik Iceland |
indembiceland |
Indonesia |
Jakarta |
Embassy of India in Jakarta Indonesia |
IndianEmbJkt |
Indonesia |
Medan |
Consulate General of India in Medan Indonesia |
indiainmedan |
Indonesia |
Bali |
Consulate General of India in Bali Indonesia |
cgibali |
Iran |
Tehran |
Embassy of India in Tehran Iran |
Iran |
Zahedan |
Consulate General of India in Zahedan Iran |
Iran |
Bandar Abbas |
Consulate General of India in Bandar Abbas Iran |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Embassy of India in Baghdad Iraq |
EI_Baghdad |
Iraq |
Erbil |
Consulate General of India in Erbil Iraq |
IndiaInErbil |
Ireland |
Dublin |
Embassy of India in Dublin Ireland |
IndiainIreland |
Israel |
Tel Aviv |
Embassy of India in Tel Aviv Israel |
indemtel |
Italy |
Rome |
Embassy of India in Rome Italy |
IndiainItaly |
Italy |
Milan |
Consulate General of India in Milan Italy |
cgmilan1 |
Ivory Coast |
Abidjan |
Embassy of India in Abidjan Ivory Coast |
EOIIvoryCoast |
Jamaica |
Kingston |
High Commission of India in Kingston Jamaica |
hcikingston |
Japan |
Tokyo |
Embassy of India in Tokyo Japan |
IndianEmbTokyo |
Japan |
Osaka |
Consulate General of India in Osaka Japan |
IndianConsOsaka |
Jordan |
Amman |
Embassy of India in Amman Jordan |
IndiainJordan |
Kazakhstan |
Astana |
Embassy of India in Astana Kazakhstan |
indembastana |
Kenya |
Nairobi |
High Commission of India in Nairobi Kenya |
IndiainKenya |
Kenya |
Mombasa |
Assistant High Commission of India in Mombasa Kenya |
ahcimombasa |
Kuwait |
Kuwait City |
Embassy of India in Kuwait City Kuwait |
indembkwt |
Kyrgyzstan |
Bishkek |
Embassy of India in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan |
IndiaInKyrgyz |
Laos |
Vientiane |
Embassy of India in Vientiane Laos |
IndianEmbLaos |
Lebanon |
Beiruit |
Embassy of India in Beiruit Lebanon |
IndiaInLebanon |
Liberia |
Monrovia |
Embassy of India in Monrovia Liberia |
IndiainLiberia |
Libya |
Tripoli |
Embassy of India in Tripoli Libya |
IndEmbTripoli |
Madagascar |
Antananarivo |
Embassy of India in Antananarivo Madagascar |
IndembTana |
Malawi |
Lilongwe |
High Commission of India in Lilongwe Malawi |
India_in_Malawi |
Malaysia |
Kuala Lumpur |
High Commission of India in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia |
hcikl |
Maldives |
Male |
High Commission of India in Male Maldives |
EoIMaldives |
Mali |
Bamako |
Embassy of India in Bamako Mali |
IndianEmbassyML |
Malta |
Malta |
High Commission of India in Malta |
IndiainMalta |
Mauritius |
Port Louis |
High Commission of India in Port Louis Mauritius |
HCI_PortLouis |
Mexico |
Mexico City |
Embassy of India in Mexico City Mexico |
IndEmbMexico |
Mongolia |
Ulaanbaatar |
Embassy of India in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia |
IndiainMongolia |
Morocco |
Rabat |
Embassy of India in Rabat Morocco |
indembrabat |
Mozambique |
Maputo |
High Commission of India in Maputo Mozambique |
IndiainMoz |
Myanmar |
Yangon |
Embassy of India in Yangon Myanmar |
IndiainMyanmar |
Myanmar |
Mandalay |
Consulate General of India in Mandalay Myanmar |
cgimandalay |
Myanmar |
Sittwe |
Consulate General of India in Sittwe Myanmar |
cgisittwe |
Namibia |
Windhoek |
High Commission of India in Windhoek Namibia |
IndiainNamibia |
Nepal |
Kathmandu |
Embassy of India in Kathmandu Nepal |
IndiaInNepal |
Nepal |
Birgunj |
Consulate General of India in Birgunj Nepal |
in_birgunj |
Nepal |
Biratnagar |
Embassy Camp Office of India in Biratnagar Nepal |
Indiainbiratngr |
Netherlands |
The Hague |
Embassy of India in The Hague Netherlands |
IndinNederlands |
New Zealand |
Wellington |
High Commission of India in Wellington New Zealand |
IndiainNZ |
Niger |
Niamey |
Embassy of India in Niamey Niger |
IndiainNiger |
Nigeria |
Abuja |
High Commission of India in Abuja Nigeria |
india_nigeria |
Nigeria |
Lagos |
Assistant High Commission of India in Lagos Nigeria |
North Korea |
Pyongyang |
Embassy of India in Pyongyang North Korea |
indembpyongyang |
Norway |
Oslo |
Embassy of India in Oslo Norway |
IndiainNorway |
Oman |
Muscat |
Embassy of India in Muscat Oman |
Indemb_Muscat |
Oman |
Salalah |
Consulate General of India in Salalah Oman |
Pakistan |
Islamabad |
High Commission of India in Islamabad Pakistan |
IndiainPakistan |
Palestine |
Ramallah |
Representative Office of India in Ramallah Palestine |
ROIRamallah |
Panama |
Panama City |
Embassy of India in Panama City Panama |
IndiainPanama |
Papua New Guinea |
Port Moresby |
High Commission of India in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea |
ind_png |
Peru |
Lima |
Embassy of India in Lima Peru |
eoilima |
Philippines |
Manila |
Embassy of India in Manila Philippines |
indembmanila |
Poland |
Warsaw |
Embassy of India in Warsaw Poland |
IndiaPoland |
Portugal |
Lisbon |
Embassy of India in Lisbon Portugal |
IndiainPortugal |
Qatar |
Doha |
Embassy of India in Doha Qatar |
IndEmbDoha |
Romania |
Bucharest |
Embassy of India in Bucharest Romania |
eoiromania |
Russia |
Moscow |
Embassy of India in Moscow Russia |
IndEmbMoscow |
Russia |
Saint Petersburg |
Consulate General of India in Saint Petersburg Russia |
indianconsspb |
Russia |
Vladivostok |
Consulate General of India in Vladivostok Russia |
cgivladivostok |
Rwanda |
Kigali |
High Commission of India in Kigali Rwanda |
IndiaKigali |
Saudi Arabia |
Riyadh |
Embassy of India in Riyadh Saudi Arabia |
IndianEmbRiyadh |
Saudi Arabia |
Jeddah |
Consulate General of India in Jeddah Saudi Arabia |
CGIJeddah |
Senegal |
Dakar |
Embassy of India in Dakar Senegal |
IndiainSenegal |
Serbia |
Belgrade |
Embassy of India in Belgrade Serbia |
IndiaInSerbia |
Seychelles |
Victoria |
High Commission of India in Victoria Seychelles |
hci_seychelles |
Singapore |
Singapore |
High Commission of India in Singapore Singapore |
IndiainSingapor |
Slovakia |
Bratislava |
Embassy of India in Bratislava Slovakia |
IndiaInSlovakia |
Slovenia |
Ljubljana |
Embassy of India in Ljubljana Slovenia |
IndiainSlovenia |
South Africa |
Pretoria |
High Commission of India in Pretoria South Africa |
hci_pretoria |
South Africa |
Cape Town |
Consulate General of India in Cape Town South Africa |
IndiainCapeTown |
South Africa |
Durban |
Consulate General of India in Durban South Africa |
CGIDurban |
South Africa |
Johannesburg |
Consulate General of India in Johannesburg South Africa |
indiainjoburg |
South Korea |
Seoul |
Embassy of India in Seoul South Korea |
IndiainROK |
South Sudan |
Juba |
Embassy of India in Juba South Sudan |
eoijuba |
Spain |
Madrid |
Embassy of India in Madrid Spain |
IndiainSpain |
Sri Lanka |
Colombo |
High Commission of India in Colombo Sri Lanka |
IndiainSL |
Sri Lanka |
Hambantota |
Consulate General of India in Hambantota Sri Lanka |
CgiHoc |
Sri Lanka |
Jaffna |
Consulate General of India in Jaffna Sri Lanka |
CGJaffna |
Sri Lanka |
Kandy |
Assistant High Commission of India in Kandy Sri Lanka |
AhciKandy |
Sudan |
Khartoum |
Embassy of India in Khartoum Sudan |
EoI_Khartoum |
Suriname |
Paramaribo |
Embassy of India in Paramaribo Suriname |
IndEmbSur |
Sweden |
Stockholm |
Embassy of India in Stockholm Sweden |
IndiainSweden |
Switzerland |
Berne |
Embassy of India in Berne Switzerland |
IndiainSwiss |
Switzerland |
Geneva |
Consulate General of India in Geneva Switzerland |
Switzerland |
United Nations Geneva |
Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations Geneva |
IndiaUNGeneva |
Switzerland |
Confrence of Disarmament Geneva |
Permanent Mission of India to the Confrence of Disarmament Geneva |
CDMissionIndia |
Syria |
Damascus |
Embassy of India in Damascus Syria |
eoidamascus |
Taiwan |
Taipei |
India-Taipei Association Taipei Taiwan |
Tajikistan |
Dushanbe |
Embassy of India in Dushanbe Tajikistan |
IndEmbDushanbe |
Tanzania |
Dar es Salaam |
High Commission of India in Dar es Salaam Tanzania |
IndiainTanzania |
Togo |
Lome |
Embassy of India in Lomé Republic of Togo |
eoilome |
Tanzania |
Zanzibar |
Consulate General of India in Zanzibar Tanzania |
cgizanzibar1 |
Thailand |
Bangkok |
Embassy of India in Bangkok Thailand |
IndiainThailand |
Thailand |
Chiangmai |
Consulate General of India in Chiangmai Thailand |
Thailand |
Yala |
Consulate General of India in Yala Thailand |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Port of Spain |
High Commission of India in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago |
IndiainTandT |
Tunisia |
Tunis |
Embassy of India in Tunis Tunisia |
IndiainTunisia |
Turkey |
Ankara |
Embassy of India in Ankara Turkey |
IndianEmbassyTR |
Turkey |
Istanbul |
Consulate General of India in Istanbul Turkey |
CGI_Istanbul |
Turkmenistan |
Ashgabat |
Embassy of India in Ashgabat Turkmenistan |
Uganda |
Kampala |
High Commission of India in Kampala Uganda |
IndiainUganda |
Ukraine |
Kiev |
Embassy of India in Kiev Ukraine |
IndiainUkraine |
United Arab Emirates |
Abu Dhabi |
Embassy of India in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates |
IndembAbuDhabi |
United Arab Emirates |
Dubai |
Consulate General of India in Dubai United Arab Emirates |
cgidubai |
United Kingdom |
London |
High Commission of India in London United Kingdom |
HCI_London |
United Kingdom |
Birmingham |
Assistant High Commission of India in Birmingham United Kingdom |
CGI_Bghm |
United Kingdom |
Edinburgh Scotland |
Assistant High Commission of India in Edinburgh Scotland United Kingdom |
IndiaInScotland |
United States |
Washington DC |
Embassy of India in Washington DC United States |
IndianEmbassyUS |
United States |
Atlanta GA |
Consulate General of India in Atlanta GA United States |
CGI_Atlanta |
United States |
Chicago IL |
Consulate General of India in Chicago IL United States |
IndiainChicago |
United States |
Houston TX |
Consulate General of India in Houston TX United States |
cgihou |
United States |
New York NY |
Consulate General of India in New York NY United States |
IndiainNewYork |
United States |
United Nations New York |
Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations New York |
IndiaUNNewYork |
United States |
San Francisco |
Consulate General of India in San Francisco United States |
Uzbekistan |
Tashkent |
Embassy of India in Tashkent Uzbekistan |
amb_tashkent |
Venezuela |
Caracas |
Embassy of India in Caracas Venezuela |
IndiaVenezuela |
Vietnam |
Hanoi |
Embassy of India in Hanoi Vietnam |
AmbHanoi |
Vietnam |
Ho Chi Minh |
Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam |
cghcm |
Yemen |
Sanaa |
Embassy of India in Sanaa Yemen |
IndiaInYemen |
Zambia |
Lusaka |
High Commission of India in Lusaka Zambia |
indiainzambia |
Zimbabwe |
Harare |
Embassy of India in Harare Zimbabwe |
IndiainZimbabwe |
India |
Indian Diplomacy |
Indian Diplomacy |
IndianDiplomacy |
India |
Ministry of External Affairs |
Ministry of External Affairs |
MEAIndia |
India |
New Delhi |
Consular Passport Visa Services |
CPVIndia |
India |
Foreign Services Institute |
Foreign Services Institute |
India |
New Delhi |
Passport Seva |
passportsevamea |
India |
New Delhi |
Ministry of External Affiars Queries |
MEAQuery |
India |
Sushma Swaraj |
External Afairs Minister Sushma Swaraj |
SushmaSwaraj |
India |
Narendra Modi |
Prime Minister Narendra Modi |
narendramodi |
India |
Presidents Office |
Office of the President |
RashtrapatiBhvn |
India |
Prime Ministers Office |
Office of the Prime Minister |
PMOIndia |